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The Horrors are Coming!

We've been light on blogs as I've been massively busy writing and play testing several games that are coming your way really soon... and the one I'm going to shout out about today is Mythos Rising, a game set in Portland 1939 - although don't buy it because it's based in Portland, Oregan - the whole game takes place in a house in the woods so exactly where that house is, doesn't make a difference and the fair city of Portland does not feature.

The location was actually selected when the draft version of the game included a time counter, you had to stop the crazy cultists from performing their ritual and you were on the clock. I ended up ditching that mechanic as on this occasion I didn't think it added anything. What is the connection between time and Portland? Well the winter solstice lasts around 14-15 hours in Portland so breaking that into half hour turns made for 28 turns which was how many I wanted.

Yes, if die and someone checks my browser history that IS the sort of thing they will find... madness I know.

And speaking of madness, Mythos Rising features a group of cultists who think its a good idea to bring into our realm of reality a dark creature from beyond... yup, they be crazy. Lucky you have a .38 Police Special and some magic on your side so you can slap them down and slay the creature.

That is, unless you go insane first from proximity to the other-realm, or from reading material no mortal person should ever read. And if you stay sane there is also the chance you will get beaten, eaten or otherwise killed. It would be fair to say its a tough gig being a member of the Midsummer Institute and fighting against the darkness!

Several backers had asked for a cultist or Cthulhu themed game and I thought that was a great idea. It's been on the workbench for about a year and I finished the rules earlier this week.

As always, you can simply pick up the rulebook, or a full deck of custom cards is also available.

I thought October would be a great time to have these sort of game come out. I've actually got a couple of other ideas for games where we flip things and you play the villain, it might be we do that next October.

Well before then we have Zilight Wild West in December and maybe a little bit of special Zilight Original fun before then, if the writing gods bless me with enough time.

Before I sign off, there was a free creature up on the blog and then down - a torpedo shark (there's a joke in there somewhere). Technical issues, it will appear next week.

Until next time, keep gaming.


PS Do check out the store if you haven't looked at it for a while, it has had a facelift and updated with lots of goodies.


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