For the first time this brings together the first 10 collections of NPCs, locations, magic items and organisations in the GM's Toolkit series.
This collection includes:
- 50 NPCs
- 20 Locations
- 20 Items
- 10 Organisations
- Hundreds of story hooks!
The NPCs range from healers to assassins with a whole lot of rogues and mages in-between!
Titles included in this omnibus include
- Arcane Masters
- Cursed Crypts
- Dagda's Artefacts
- Hirelings and Companions
- Magic Mirrors
- Rogues Gallery
- Secret Societies and cults
- Shrines and Temples
- Unconventional Allies I
- Unconventional Allies II
In total the book comes to over 125 pages.
With this series you have content from Al Pidwell, Stephen Hart and Ryan Falkingham.
System neutral we have avoided mechanics to provide you with strong story content.
These have been written in partnership with Trinity Knot Studios and was originally released through a successful Kickstarter campaign.
A digital product you will receive a download link immediately on ordering.
GMs Toolkit Collected Edition Volume One