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April 2022 Issue, 52 pages


Jungle Theme  


The Tears of Ishme adventure path continues this issue with another 5e compatible adventure which can be combined with last months adventure or run on its own as a side quest. It fits any adventure that sees your characters in a jungle.


In the jungle are new creatures, lots of new plants and fungi and new NPCs.


This is a fully illustrated fantasy RPG magazine that is system-neutral so fits for ANY fantasy RPG game system. Designed in a modern landscape format this is chock full of ideas for you as a Dungeon Master or Games Master.




  • Game Advice - When is a Jungle not a jungle p6
  • Creature Report - p9
    • Jade Unicorn - p10
    • Bolinna - p12
    • Bolinna Warden - pg 13
    • Mantodire - pg 14
    • Razerback Hydra - pg15
  • Plant Magic - Pg 16
    • Known Your Mushrooms - Pg 17
    • Fantasy Mushrooms - Pg 18
    • Jungle Plants - Pg 19
    • Fantasy Jungle Plants - Pg 24
  • NPCs - Pg 25
    • Seta, Guide - Pg 26
    • Timrek, Questing Paladin - Pg 27
    • Umt'Salane, Witch Doctor - Pg 28
    • Kakatacha, King in Exile - Pg 29
  • Game Advice - Hail to the Hexes - Pg 30
  • 20 Jungle Rumours - Pg 32
  • Tears of Ishme, Episode 4 - Pg 34
  • Ritual Thunder - Ritual Advice - Pg 46
    • Ritual of Charming - Pg 48
    • Ritual of Tree Vision - Pg 48
    • Ritual of Parrot Talker - Pg 49
    • Ritual of The Root - Pg 49
  • Young Jungle Dragon - Pg 50

The Oracle 22 - Jungle

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