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July 2022 Issue, 60 pages


Dungeon Delving - '70s style!


Going back to RPGs gaming roots we present an issue all about Dungeon Delving. Get in, avoid the traps, kill the monsters and get out - okay, with a little touch of roleplaying as this is 2022 not 1972. 


Lots of content in this crammed full issue which couldn't fit the regular page count and swelled to 60 pages! (And still only 1 advert in case anyone is wondering.)


See a full contents list below.

This is a fully illustrated fantasy RPG magazine that is system-neutral so fits for ANY fantasy RPG game system. Designed in a modern landscape format this is chock full of ideas for you as a Dungeon Master or Games Master.




  • Dungeon Delving ‘70s style 
    • Twin Cherub Puzzle 
  • Camaleo Drakes (new creature) 
  • Wandering Monsters by Level 
  • Gear new and old for the wise delver 
  • Add some beauty to the depths
    • Dreary Dungeons? 
      • Doors. Decorations 
      • Lights, Walls 
      • Floors, Ceilings 
      • Atmosphere, Sounds 
  • Sculpt Me a Vision 
  • Come with me if you want to live 
  • What to do when you trigger the trap 
  • Obsidian Slime (new creature) 
  • Delving NPCs
    • Budiwati, Navigator 
    • Edmund of Yark, Underguide 
    • Callum, Poet-Explorer 
    • Master Roofus, Delver 
    • Aniya, Underthief 
  • Shannon’s Fall - 5e compatible Adventure
    • Diseased Giant Rat stat block 
    • Pink Ooze stat block 
    • Poltergeist stat block 
    • Gobblesnout NPC stat block 
    • Rusterning Spider stat block 
    • Klacto stat block 
  • Outlined locations for you to build upon, Dungeons of Fame 
  • Game Advice, What about the roleplay?
  • Funny Traps
  • Picture prompt, A woman with a bow in a dungeon

The Oracle 25 - Dungeon Delving

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